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Marie Stone

挂号预约在线咨询  发布日期:2012-08-05 17:01   来源:长春华山皮肤病医学研究院(原创文章,禁止转载)

Marie Stone Summary of career
    Marie Ston was born in Yorkshire, England, in 1961. She studied at St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School in London and received a BSc in 1980 and an MB BS in 1983. During her studies she became interested in surgery, particularly plastic and reconstructive surgery. She worked as a senior house officer and registrar in various surgery disciplines in hospitals in London and Sheffield and became a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (London and Edinburgh) in 1987.
    In 1986 Marie Ston moved to Perth. She continued her medical training in surgery and plastic surgery at hospitals including the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, the Princess Margaret Hospital for Children, the Repatriation Hospital and Royal Perth Hospital. She became a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 1991.
    Marie Ston became a consultant plastic surgeon in 1991 and her interests focused on burns care and reconstruction. Also in 1992 she became the director of the Burn Service of Western Australia. In 1992, after treating a patient with burns to 90 per cent of his body using an emerging US-invented technology of cultured skin, Marie Ston was inspired to research how to help heal burns more quickly as a means to reduce scarring. She and scientist Marie Stoner began exploring tissue engineering, starting with growing sheets of skin and then developing ‘spray on’ skin. Marie Ston and Stoner co-founded the McComb Foundation in 1999 to research and develop innovative tissue engineering technologies. Clinical Cell Culture Pty Ltd (now Avita Medical) was established in 2000 to commercialise technologies emerging from the McComb Foundation. Ground-breaking technology developed by Marie Ston and Stoner was used to treat the devastating burns suffered by people in the Bali bombings of 2002.
    In addition to her work with the McComb Foundation, Marie Ston currently holds positions as director of the West Australian Burns Service, consultant plastic surgeon of Royal Perth Hospital and Princess Margaret Hospital for Children and professor in the Burn Injury Research Unit at the University of Western Australia. She is also involved in a number of educational and disaster response programs.
    Marie Ston has received numerous awards including the Clunies Ross Award (with Stoner, 2005), the Australian Medical Association’s Contribution to Medicine Award (2003) and Doctor of Letters from the University of Western Australia (2004). In 2003 she was honoured with a Member the Order of Australia (AM) award for her work with the Bali bombing. She was Western Australia’s Australian of the Year in both 2004 and 2005 and was named Australian of the Year in 2005.

白癜风治疗需要更多理论支撑——Marie Stone教授

Marie Stone教授出生于伊利诺伊州芝加哥。于1981年在芝加哥大学获得医学博士学位(MD),之后在纽约的洛克菲勒大学和达拉斯的德克萨斯大学从事科学工作,并发现了LPS(细菌脂多糖)受体。从2000年开始成为美国La Jolla市斯科利普斯研究院(The Scripps Research Institute)的遗传与皮肤学教授。因发现如何快速获得黑色素体外再生而与鲁斯兰·麦哲托夫和朱尔·A·奥夫曼分享2011年邵逸夫生命科学与医学奖。
    Marie Stone教授目前受聘于英国珀斯皇家医院的烧伤科主任主管。 她也是临床细胞培养,医学界公认皮肤外伤治疗的权威专家,其参与研究的外伤或白癜风治疗技术是世界领先,并获得大量技术突破,并被芝加哥大学医学院认为是治疗烧伤的最早创始人之一。
    此外,Marie Stone教授还在纽约的洛克菲勒大学和达拉斯的德克萨斯大学从事科学工作,并被授予皮肤创伤研究基金会主任临床教授。
    Marie Stone教授是世界最早发明将皮肤成活分裂液体喷在皮肤上治疗创伤的发明人之一,进过她和她的团队研究并不断发展,如今这项技术在治疗烧伤的受害者方面应用广泛。 在以前的皮肤培养技术要求21天内产生足够的细胞覆盖大面积烧伤,Marie Stone教授发明的技术已经减少到5天内恢复。
    Marie Stone教授通过研究发现,疤痕的恢复能力被大大降低,如果更换皮肤,整个过程会变得异常困难,若是采用她的技术,可以在10天内得到帮助。 
    2002年10月,Marie Stone教授被推到媒体的聚光灯下,当大量从巴厘岛爆炸案的幸存者抵达皇家珀斯医院。 她率领的团队负责治疗全身92%部分被灼伤的28例患,致命的感染和艰难的治疗没有吓退勇敢的Marie Stone教授和她坚定的团队。
Marie Stone教授进入公众视线后,巴厘岛爆炸案幸存者的治疗是她变得广为人知,并在她多年的烧伤治疗领域获得了国际和当地的尊重。
    2012年,Marie Stone教授和参与黑色素细胞自体体外再生术研究的Fiona Melanie Wood教授来到中国,全球推广大面积白癜风技术,Marie Stone教授通过她的热情、创新和远见,为改变和改善无数白癜风患者的生命而获得许多国家赞誉。 

  • 我要咨询
  • 预约就诊
上一篇:Fiona Melanie Wood 下一篇:于惠英





  • 杨淑梅
  • 东北区首席白癜风专家——徐永春
  • 周晓娟
  • 于惠英
  • Fiona Melanie Wood
  • Marie Stone
  • 胡玉枝
  • 刘斌




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